Being Brave

Strong, Powerful, Supported, and Brave - the Camp Lucy themes that permeate its every fiber. But what does it mean to be brave?

When we think of bravery, we often imagine grand acts of heroism or facing overwhelming challenges. But, in reality, bravery comes in many forms—it’s in the small, everyday decisions that we make to move forward despite fear, doubt, or uncertainty.

The courage to be vulnerable, to try something new, or to make a change can feel overwhelming at times. But every time we take a brave step, no matter how small it may seem, we grow a little stronger and more resilient. We learn that we’re capable of more than we realize, and we build trust in our ability to navigate whatever challenges come our way.

Every young person who has tried rowing, shown up for practice for the first time, or stepped in a boathouse despite the fear of the unknown, is brave.

To all of the athletes who got out there and rowed this year, we think you’re amazing. 

You got in that tippy boat, with people you didn’t know, and you trusted each other. That’s brave.

You rowed down an entire course and finished! That’s brave.

You made friends and you gained fitness. You did the scary and hard things. That’s bravery.

And the next time you wonder if you’re brave enough, you’ll know you are. That’s what sport can do. 

Being brave isn’t about being fearless – it’s about moving forward despite fear. It’s about choosing to take the next step even when the path isn’t clear. Whether it’s having an honest conversation, standing up for what we believe in, or simply showing up for ourselves, bravery is often about embracing discomfort and uncertainty.

We have kicked off our Year-End Fundraising Campaign, bravely aiming to raise $100,000 by December 31st. 

A generous matching contribution of $25,000 has helped us launch our efforts. 

Will you join us so we can continue to provide opportunities for young people to be brave, try rowing, find their team, and thrive on and off the water?

Let’s be brave together as we head into 2025.


In this season of giving, we ask "What has rowing given you?"


2023 Regional Grantees; Where are they now?